45th Annual

Festival 2021 Photos

48 Images
Bakeapple Festival 2021
Friday night bonfire
At the bonfire
Friday night fireworks
At the bonfire
At the bonfire
Friday fireworks
A smaller fire for marshmellows!
Friday fireworks
At the bonfire
At the bonfire
At the bonfire
At the bonfire
At the bonfire
Saturday crafts & bake sale
Crafts sale - Handmade in Labrador
Bake sale - Cheyannes
Bake sale - goods by Cheyannes
Crafts sale - Forteau women's group
Crafts sale - Forteau women's group
Prepping for the fish fry
Fish fry - Lions Club members at work
Fish fry - ready to serve
Fish fry - serving it up in a reusable tub
Fish fry - crispy chips
Bakeapple dessert
Guests at the fish fry
Fish fry - guests digging in
Beach scavenger hunt
Beach scavenger hunt
Beach scavenger hunt
Beach scavenger hunt
Beach scavenger hunt
Beach scavenger hunt
Beach scavenger hunt
Adult Dance - Lions Club getting ready
Adult dance
Adult Dance - with performer Dwayne Snow
Virtual concert - getting setup
Virtual concert - we'll have an audience this year!
Virtual concert - Sonny & Cloe
Virtual concert - Sabrina, Austin & Laquita
Virtual concert - live online!
Virtual concert - Uncle Ray Flynn joins from St. John's
Virtual concert - local audience & Uncle Ray in St John's
Virtual concert - Valerie Layden
Virtual concert - Francis Huot
Virtual concert - Host Dean Flynn & performers wrap it up